Authors |
Repev Artem Grigorevich, Candidate of juridical sciences, inspector on interaction with executive authorities
of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies, police senior lieutenant, Department of the Ministry
of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Penza region (4a Dolgova street, Penza, Russia),
Repeva Anna Mikhaelovna, Senior lecturer, sub-department of civil-law disciplines, Penza branch of the Moscow institute of business and law (11a Tarkhanova street, Penza, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. In Russia construction of the mature constitutional state is characterized by the inconsistent processes. In particular, the role of traditional regulators of behavior decreases: rights, morals, customs, traditions etc. It leads to weakening of the level of legality and discipline at the expense of increase in the facts of illegal behavior, immoral ways of permission of vital collisions. Considering the said from the processes of knowledge of the state and legal reality. The purpose of this work is to analyse correlation of the categories of «discipline» and «legality».
Materials and methods. Realization of the research tasks was achieved through the synthesis of works by domestic and foreign scientific jurists considering the general theory of the state and law, philosophy, political science, and also the branches of legal disciplines. The analytical base of the research is made by over twenty monographic works. The methodological potential includes first of all the system method, and also the methods of the comparative and legal and historical and legal analysis which allowed to compare the essence, volume, legality and discipline limits in the legislation of Russia. The applied methodology allowed to define the main regularities and prospects of development of the institutes’ data in the conditions of the modern right and state systems’s reformation.
Results. The definitive and the categorial devices of the legality and discipline are specified, definitions of the studied phenomena are offered. Signs of unity, distinction of the discipline and legality are allocated, and also the aspects of their interaction and available contradictions are reflected.
Conclusions. The legality and discipline are the all-social, intersectoral and complex definitions. Including various semantic shades, these categories are inherent in any state and public work, and provide for volume classification on types and subspecies. Experience of the system analysis of the categories of «discipline» and «legality» will lay the necessary theoretical and methodological foundation for further studying of the aspects of interrelation thereof.
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